Collaborative Sessions
The Oracle
When we come together in inspiration, with like-hearted partners we 'super charge' and accelerate everything that we intend and create together and this is certainly true of the work that Kim and I are doing as a collaboration.
As a healer Kim is absolutely the real deal and being in her orbit changes you. It just does. It certainly changed me. How? Kim brings in the 'NEW'. New light, new frequencies, understandings, perspectives and of course new ways of functioning better in this ever crumbling physical reality we find ourselves living these days. Essentially she invites the highest version of you to step forward and this is why it excites me so to be offering accelerated healing sessions with this powerful woman! We've taken it outside into a beautiful and quiet, screened off studio space on the shores of Shortts Lake where we offer 1 hr., DNA activating, body / mind mending, soul nourishing, path altering, deep cellular healing sessions in nature. Experience what being 'lavished' by two skillful practitioners who only have your best and highest in mind, is like. Here you will lay on a bed of rose petals while having the entire symphony of nature supporting, amplifying, informing and further activating your session. Now that's healing at a quantum level!
Kim does this crazy 'magic touch’ thing for healing and activating 'what is True within you'. It's a sixth sense really, married with years of practical skill and a vast knowledge base when it comes to esoteric and consciousness based information, garnered from her own life and daily practice. She is a powerful shaman who activates light codes and your own sacred geometry, as well as helping you embody the Divine within. Myself, I bring the sound component and something that sounds and feels like Dragons breath!. I show up fully, never knowing the 'tune', your tune, until I'm in your orbit. When I plug in I work off of what your body and field tell me. I pick up on energetic information from your biology, slow downs and stagnant energy are easy to find and release. I never know what I'm going to use as a tool and I always rely on your body and your own awareness to guide me to where those sounds should ideally be focused. We use muscle testing to allow your body to determine what frequencies will best serve it and when we marry the technical with the emotional / energetic and we go in with an intention of healing and transmutation, magic happens. Every time.
We finish each session off with a delicious, healthy snack and a short de-briefing discussion. Each session will directly assist your ongoing spiritual / emotional / physical journey and evolution into your Highest Self and Potential.
"I have never felt so very loved, nurtured and cherished especially coming from a home where I never felt noticed unless I did something wrong" Mary
'I am so grateful that you ladies do what you do...
I don't have all that chatter in my head and the ringing in my ears is barely noticeable...
My lifelong fear of DEATH is gone!!!
My soreness has left, and tiredness is gone..
I feel like I have purpose now.. Irma
Located on beautiful Shortts Lake near Brookfield NS (approx. 50 min. from downtown Halifax)
RATES: 1 HOUR SESSIONS / Sliding Scale
$222 - 333 (with a $50 deposit)
UPCOMING SESSION DATES: Sunday September 15, 2024
"Deeply relaxing and opening to the highest possibilities for healing. Body work and beyond" Nancy
Rain or shine, the elements are always a part of your session even if you're enjoying the storm from inside!